World's First 3D Robotic Sign

Cicoil flat cable provides the smooth 24/7 motion to help Coca-Cola wow Times Square visitors.
Coca-Cola saw the opportunity to refresh the Times Square landmark, which was last updated in 2004, with proprietary, first-of-its-kind motion technology. Coca-Cola R&D, IT and Marketing teams, and a multitude of partners, spent four years designing, testing and fabricating all components that included Cicoil Flat Cables associated for all the motion control across the sign.
Coca-Cola Refreshes Times Square Sign
Credit: The Coca-Cola Co. (YouTube)
The 68-ft. by 42-.ft. sign required sophisticated engineering and rigorous testing for all weather conditions. Every high-resolution LED cube is programmed to independently extend and retract using Cicoil’s high-flex flat cables, extending out into the crowd and bringing the company’s portfolio of beverages to life in a way the team hopes will inspire thirsty onlookers to crave an ice-cold Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola Unveils the World’s First 3D Robotic Sign
Credit: Loren Brinton (Vimeo)
From its pioneering use of painted wall murals in the 1890s, to iconic neon spectaculars, Coca-Cola has always been at the forefront of outdoor advertising innovation.
Coca-Cola + Times Square, Another View
Credit: space150, Sign Designer (Vimeo)
This continues to be true. Guinness World Records™ was on site for the sign’s debut and awarded The Coca-Cola Company with two record titles: “The Largest 3D Robotic Billboard” and “The First 3D Robotic Billboard.” Everyone at Cicoil is proud to be a part of this accomplishment and enjoyed the tremendous collaboration of talent involved.
Close-Up View
Module Testing
Credit: Cicoil (YouTube)
Years of development and testing went into motion control. Here you see a good view of the module motion and all the Cicoil Flat Cable used to provide power and signal to all of the actuators and display panels.